It was a long time ago, in a far away place, beyond the eyes of those whose see only the normal stuff that this story took place and time.
As a result of the adding of hundreds of sorrows and joys of people who lived in a village near this location, a demon was summoned!
It was the most wicked demon of all times!It possessed 7 tails which he swang all around in order to provoke misfortune and pain in all human and non-human criature he laid his eyes on, nothing could stop him and a time of darkness was being announced as if to occurr.
When the time of crisis would seem inevitable that an armed formed for other 7 monks, each one trained to the limit in one of human's and non-human's most valuable virtues (honor, criativity, understanding, health, love, discipline and faith).
This army was set to challenge the demon and so this battle happened (as it's written in the tablets of the Purple Dinossaur Sea) and it took 7 Septembers to finish. At the end of the last September the showdown was starting to tend to the demon's side, giving the fact that the monks (except for the one trained in health) were starting to show signs of getting tired.
To prevent this duel from having an undesired ending the seven monks decided to sacrifie themselves: they joint power and merged themselves into the body of the demon, turning into some other seven tails.
The demon still lives these days, running around people's lives, and the battle is still happening on his back, every day...whenever the wicked tails win a battle we get striked by a horrifying shadow of misfortune and doom, on the other hand, when the round is won by the monks we get blessed on one of their most powerfull aspects...randomly.
Do you know when you're in the early evening and the sky gets red, the wind starts blowing a little colder and it's neither day nor night? That's when a new battle is just restarting, a battle between 14.
Da possibilidade de um futuro sem passado
Há 11 anos
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